Today I am sharing a free resource I have made to help teenagers think about the type of images they are sharing online and by direct messages. I class this resource as in BETA, it is just my first attempt at making these images and I want to reshoot the photos. Get rid of the cluttered backgrounds and I need to find a male mannequin to use as well. You can find all the images I use at Sexting Images Resources
I have tested these images in a number of lessons for 14-15 year olds. The way I use them is getting the young people into small groups and asking them to put them in order from most risky images to share to least risky. They create a continuum of risk. Then we talk through a number of follow up questions.
- Which images would it be ok to share on social network?
- Which images might be ok to share by direct message, such as snapchat or MMS?
- Which images should we never share?
- Which images do you think could get people into trouble with the police?
- Which images would be embarrassing if they got passed around school?
- Which images would you worry about a stranger online getting hold of?
- Which images would you worry about you parents/carers seeing?

Already I have found some problems with the photos. Firstly they are all female and I need to sort out some male photos. Second I need to improve the quality of the photos. Thirdly I need to add more photos, such as photos smoking/drinking/drugs or doing crazy stunts or breaking a law. These photos will help to widen the activity beyond the focus on sexting to include other online pitfalls.
If you are a schools worker, youth worker or teacher and you would like to use the images, please feel free to download them and use them. The only request I have is to give me feedback. If you create any addition images I would love to see them. Like all my work on this site I have released it under a creative commons license.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial.