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Showing posts from September, 2009


Quick blog to share a new site I have just found, it contains loads of free images, sounds, vector drawings, fonts and other stuff. It looks very similiar to but with a wider selection of mediums (not yet as many images). I think the site is newish and I am hoping it will soon start growing. It looks great but needs more content! anyway have a look at multimedia-stock

New Pets

I want some more aquatic pets, I love my blind cave fish with a passion but i want some new pets. One tank just isn't enough for me. On the practical fishkeeping forum they sometimes refer to someone suffering from MTS (multiple tank syndrome) and I think I am in danger of contracting it. But I have a plan. Instead of paying lots of money for an entire new tank full of fish, I cant add any more to my main tank its full, instead I'm going to buy some Triops probably from Argos . These little amazing creatures grow from freeze dried eggs like sea monkey but get A LOT bigger then sea monkeys and i think if I can grow some on to become quite big I reckon i could put one or two into my main tank. They only live for a few months and my Bichir my have a bite of them but I really wanna give it a try. They way they reproduce means that one kit may be able to be used again and again if they lay me some lovely eggs. I think i will try and buy some this week.