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Showing posts from February, 2010

Fish Wish list

There are many fish I would like to own at some point. Some are very possible I just don't have the space yet. Some are possible just very expensive. Some may never be possible as they are very rare fish I have seen on TV. But I'm gonna share some of my wish list. I've divided it into four sections. Common, uncommon, rare and impossible. I will update this list regularly and re post. Common Killifish  ( Blue Lyretail ) Triops Albino Bristlenose Catfish Kribensis A large 50+ shoal of small fish. (Maybe White Cloud Mountain Minnows .) Uncommon Fresh water Crabs Chalk Goby Australian Desert Goby (chlamydogobius eremius) Golden Panchax (Killifish) Snowflake Moray Eel Volitans Lionfish UK native pond biotope (maybe fishless) maybe frogs and stuff Emperor Angel Rare Filament Glassfish Freshwater Moray Eels (well Brackish) Graham's Soda Cichlids/Alkaline Talapia from Lake Magadi Tropical Water beetle UK native rockpool tank with simulated tide...